This enhanced how to conduct hypothesis test roadmap PDF provides a decision tree for selecting the hypothesis test to use for various situations. The “how to conduct hypothesis test” roadmap PDF link is below.
Additional detailed lean Six Sigma roadmaps and how-to execute hypothesis tests are available in our books.
A 5-book series describes how to apply hypothesis tests within an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system. Applicability and how to execute hypothesis tests are described at both the business and process improvement project level in these books.
Enhanced How to Conduct Hypothesis Test Training
At Smarter Solutions, our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Black Belt (BB) and Master Black Belt (MBB) courses cover analysis phase tools well beyond the body-of-knowledge (BOK) published by ASQ.
Of course we teach the standard, one variable-at-a-time tests: t-tests, f-test, chi-square test, simple regression, and one factor ANOVA. But as Lean Six Sigma has become a commodity that everyone is teaching, the BOK has become watered down. Our lean Six Sigma belt training references our books; i.e., students get much more than a deck of slides from training. These books can be used long after their training.
When a BB or MBB learns of these new tools, he will need an advanced tool selection diagram to reference until he becomes familiar with the tools. The advanced tool selection diagram attached at the end of this document provides a guide for this selection. One should be able to use this decision tree to answer the questions and identify the proper analytical tool to apply.
How to conduct specific hypothesis test analyses within business management and project execution is described in the books.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an IEE roadmap approach for statistical analyses both at the enterprise as well as the project level.