An Online Black Belt Training That Equals the Classroom Experience

Smarter Solutions blended leaning Lean Six Sigma training method that overcomes the traditional issues with non-instructor led training. This training has been created to allow individuals to experience self-paced training and for groups to take the course as a team while providing interactive and individualized student coaching through the course by an expert Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.  The course also follows an internationally recognized textbook series providing the student with a reference to the Lean Six Sigma tools, theory, and methods well after the course is completed. Smarter Solutions partnered with, who has the top on-line Lean Six Sigma training materials, to build the on-line portions of the course. The complete course combines the Lean Six Sigma tool training topics with the Integrated Enterprise Excellence Lean Six Sigma project roadmap, created by Smarter Solutions, to provide a course the follows the same sequence as our instructor-led Black Belt course. A student will obtain a level of training that will equal an instructor-led course, without any requirement to travel to a classroom.