Enhanced agile business process management methods are provided in the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system.
Enhanced Agile Business Process Management Methods
Which companies will be around in ten years? The certainty of any response to this question has probably changed over the last year.
Will your company face problems similar to Enron, K-Mart, or Sears? Many companies need to readdress how they measure and make improvements in their organization.
For survival, companies need to replace fire-fighting activities with fire prevention.
The paper in the link below describes a method that helps companies become more agile. Provided is a how-to roadmap for organizations to improve their competitiveness and bottom-line.
Described in this paper are statistical based agile business process management methods. In the described cascading measurement methodology, organizations are tracked as a system that pulls for the creation of improvement efforts that are in direct alignment with the needs of the business.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) as an agile system addresses scorecard and business improvement efforts issues that frequently occur in organization (as described in a one-minute video):
IEE is a 9-step business management system
Details about IEE and its implementation are provided in:
- PDF Article: Positive Metrics, Poor Business Performance: How Does this Happen?
- Books: 5-book IEE series
- Software (for automatic updates of predictive performance metrics): Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS)
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization could gain much from an IEE Agile Business Management System.