An enhanced business process management body of knowledge book describes a next-generation methodology shows how to taken BPM to its next level.
Enhanced Business Process Management Body of Knowledge Book: Table of Contents
The book The Business Process Management Guidebook: An Integrated Enterprise Excellence BPM System provides the business management system structure for BPM 2.0.
This book addresses the common-place business management system issues relative to scorecards and improvement that are described in a one-minute video:
The Table of Contents for this The Business Process Management Guidebook: An Integrated Enterprise Excellence BPM System is:
Book Contents (Chapters and Section Titles)
1. Why I Wrote This Book and How You Can Benefit from It
- Which Scenario Best Describes You?
- Why Use a BPM/EPM Implementation Roadmap?
- Book’s References
- Where to Start When Reading This Book
2. Benefiting from BPM/EPM Integration and the Avoidance of BPM Implementation Risks
- BPM Critical Success Factors
- Risks in a BPM Implementation
- Benefits and Challenges of Implementing BPM
- Giving Them What Is Needed
- BPM Is Not Only Process Automation
3. Components of BPM and Their Usage
- A System for Integrating BPM with EPM
- More Information About BPM/EPM Integration
- Next Topics
4. Foundation for an IEE BPM/EPM System
- Vision and Mission
- Traditional Porter’s Value Chain
- Enhancement of Porter’s Value Chain
5. Process Management Performance Dashboards
- Common-cause and Special-cause Variability
- Reporting Performance
6. Performance Management Through IEE Value Chain
- Enabling Technology That Automates Performance Reporting
- EPM Routine Performance Reviews
7. Establishing a Solid EPM System in a BPM/EPM Deployment
- EPM Implementation Steps
8. EPM: Analyze the Enterprise
- Whole-system Analysis for Improving the Financials
- Potential Projects: Rules/Policy Projects
- Potential Projects: Operational Performance Measurement Improvement
- Potential Projects: New Market Opportunities
- Potential Projects: Process Automation Opportunities
- EPM Analyze Phase
9. EPM: Establishing Goals, Creating Strategies, and Identification of Improvement Projects
- Establishing Financial and Operational Goals
- Creating Strategies
- Identification of Focus Areas for Improving the Financials
- Building an Enterprise Improvement Plan (EIP)
10. EPM: How to Improve the Business As a Whole
- Selecting an Improvement Approach
- Common Cause Condition (Solution Unknown)
- Reporting the Progress of Improvement Projects
11. EPM: Maintaining the Gain and Sustaining Performance
12. BPM in a BPM/EPM Deployment and Process Management
- Managing Organization’s Business Processes
- BPM Lifecycle
- Achievement of BPM Critical Success Factors
15. BPM: Process Analysis
- Analyses to Improvement
14. BPM: Process Modeling
- Process Modeling and the IEE Value Chain
- Process Simulation
- Additional Information
15. BPM: Process Design
- Creating a New Process Model
16. BPM: Management Rules and IT Infrastructure
- Management Rules
- IT Infrastructure
17. Process Transformation
- How to Initiate Transformation
18. Process Organization
- Creating a Process Culture
- Process Management Roles
- Organizational Structures
19. BPM/EPM Technology
- Application of BPM/EPM Technology
20. Applying the IEE BPM/EPM Methodologies
- Discovering Improvement Opportunities with Focused Status Meetings
- Where to Focus Our Enterprise Improvement Efforts and Process Automation
- Reducing On-time Delivery Problems
- Reducing Customer Service Return Call Rate
- Airport Parking Lot Could Benefit from BPM Simulation and VOC
- BPM System and Voice of the Customer
- Process Improvement Desire
- Process Improvement Idea Implementation
- BPM System Simulation and Risk Avoidance
- Additional Considerations
21. Applying IEE BPM/EPM Techniques to Your Situation
- New CEO to Revive Financials
- Executive That Finds Competition Eroding the Market
- Your Company Has Declining Financials
- Your Company Is Doing Well but There Are Few Performance Measures
- You Are Chosen to Lead A New Process Improvement Function
- You Have Been Selected to Lead a BPM Deployment
- Your BPM Deployment Is Focused on IT Solutions and Missing the Management System
22. Achieving ABPMP BPM CBOK® Critical Success Factors
23. Business Process Management Self-Assessment and Next Steps
Next Steps
24. Acronyms and Glossary
25. References
More information about the book, The Business Process Management Guidebook: An Integrated Enterprise Excellence BPM System, Forrest W. Breyfogle III, Citius Publishing, 2013:
- BPM Guidebook Description
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For additional information about Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) see: Business Management Implementation: IEE Articles, Videos, Books
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization could gain much from an IEE and BPM 2.0.