Enhanced Business Performance Metrics Management

An enhanced business performance metrics management system is available through the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system. 

Enhanced Business Performance Metrics Management

Traditional management performance report-outs can be confusing and lead to unhealthy, if not destructive, behaviors. There is a better way!


Performance Measurement System Needs, Red-yellow-green scorecards

Performance Measurement Systems Need, Table of Numbers

Organizations gain much when they transition to an IEE 30,000-foot-level form of predictive performance metrics reporting,

The figure below illustrates how an actual company’s scorecard in a stoplight report-out format indicated that improvements were made when a color transitioned from red to green. However, the 30,000-foot-level reporting shown below the red-yellow-green scorecard indicates that nothing has changed (from a process output point of view) over time and the non-conformance rate of the process is about 30%!


business performance metrics management transition


More details about the transitioning of traditional metric reporting to IEE predictive scorecards is described in the published PDF linked-to article below.

In addition, the 9-steps of the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system provides a framework for integrating 30,000-foot-level metric report-outs with the processes that created them.  Also, IEE provides a system for analytically determining processes to improve so that the enterprise as a whole benefits with the how-to’s of improvement project execution.  Books and software are available for IEE implementation guidance and execution.


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization could gain much from an IEE enhanced business performance metrics management.