Concepts For Operational Excellence Achievement: Webinar with University of Texas

This recorded Concepts for Operational Excellence Achievement Webinar with the University of Texas provides high level details for implementing an effective Operational Excellence (OE) system.

Operational Excellence Business Management System

Described in the recorded webinar below by Dr. Eric Roe of the University of Texas Austin and Forrest Breyfogle CEO of Smarter Solutions, Inc. is a 9-step Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) operational excellence system.


operational excellence achievement 9-step system


Additional details for implementing this Operational Excellence system is available in operational excellence training courses, including a 4-hour University of Texas at Austin session.

A more detailed description of the enhanced Operational Excellence system described in the webinar link below is provided in a two-week University Sponsored Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt training offering. No past Lean Six Sigma training is required to attend this hands-on operational implementation workshop.


Creation of Effective Performance Measures

The methodologies described in the webinar below provide an extension of Walter Shewhart’s Individuals control chart, which has a tremendous value to organizations in all industries.  Described is a two-step 30,000-foot-level view of how to improve the examination of process outputs or other time-based performance metrics; e.g., key performance indicators in an operational excellence system.

  1. The first step of this measurement airplane-view methodology is to create one or more Individuals charts to assess process stability.  This initial assessment is not attempting to “control” the process but instead determine process stability from a high-level point of view. With this approach, common-cause variability is to occur between subgroups.
  2. The second step is to consider (when a process is stable) raw data from the recent region of stability to be a random sample of the future; i.e., for the purpose of making a futuristic statement. For continuous data, a probability plot is used when making this assessment and reporting the estimation in terms that everyone can easily understand; e.g., the estimated non-conformance rate for this process is 2%.

With 30,000-foot-level reporting, graphics are included for both process stability and its predictability assessments.  A process prediction statement is then provided at the bottom of the single-chart report-out.  If this prediction statement is not satisfactory, then the process needs to be enhanced.


Effective Organizational Reporting of Performance Measures

Described in this webinar is also an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system operational excellence system where 30,000-foot-level metrics can be reported throughout the organization and aligned to the processes that created them.  With the IEE operational excellence approach, organizations can also determine where improvement efforts need to focus so that the enterprise as a whole benefits from this process-enhancement work; i.e., avoiding process improvement efforts that are in silos and do not benefit the big picture.

The article ″Positive Metrics Poor Business Performance: How Does This Happen?″ provides a summary of this webinar described enhanced operational excellence system.


operational excellence achievement article


Software is also available for automatically updating 30,000-foot-level metrics from corporate databases.


operational excellence achievement software


For the benefits of this Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software, CLICK HERE.


Concepts for Operational Excellence Achievement Webinar

The following link provides access to the Concepts for Operational Excellence Achievement Webinar. Slides for this webinar are available through the  link: Slides: Concepts for  Operational Excellence Achievement Webinar.


operational excellence achievement Eric Roe and Forrest Breyfogle Webinar



More Information about Creating an Operational Excellence System


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its Operational Excellence deployment.