An enhanced Design for Six Sigma approach integrates DFSS techniques within an overall business management system. This enrichment for DFSS is accomplished through the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) methodology.
Enhanced Design for Six Sigma Approach
The paper that is provided in the link below illustrates the usage of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) techniques so that an enterprise as a whole benefits from the methodology. In this paper, the development of a bowling ball illustrates application of IEE DFSS techniques.
IEE provides a means to structurally integrate DFSS techniques for product development into an overall business.
The IEE 9-step system is:
In step 2 of the IEE system, an IEE value chain describes what an organization does and how it measures what is done.
An illustrative IEE value chain is:
In this value chain, rectangle boxes are to be clickable to processes. Oblong boxes are be clickable to predictive performance metrics. Yellow colored boxes are metrics that are thought to be important to the customer. Main functions of the organization are the center boxes, which are connected by arrows. Support functions (e.g., Information Technology) are not connected by arrows.
The second box from the left (connected by an arrow) is “Develop Product”. In IEE, a clicking of this box would lead to the process that the organization uses to incorporate its DFSS tools.
For more information about IEE, click here.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization could gain much from an IEE DFSS implementation.