ASQ references this 1185 page textbook in its lean Six Sigma body of knowledge books. This text provides step-by-step details for implementing the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) process improvement roadmap that is associated with lean Six Sigma, This book provides a structured integration of lean and Six Sigma techniques for the efficient and effective execution of process improvement projects.
This book is an update to Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions® Using Statistical Methods, which was published in 2003 by Wiley and received the ASQ Crosby Medal.
What this Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge Book Offers
This book can:
- Complement Lean Six Sigma training
- Provide details of Lean Six Sigma tools usage
- Become a guide for Lean Six Sigma Certification
- Provide a valuable reference for on-going usage long after Lean Six Sigma training is completed
A no-charge instructor guide is available for using this book as the foundation for a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course.
Much of ASQ Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Master Black Belt, and Green Belt body of knowledge (BOK) concepts for ASQ Lean Six Sigma certification tests has originated from Implementing Six Sigma and this newer book, Integrated Enterprise Excellence Volume III – Improvement Project Execution: A Management and Black Belt Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard, Forrest W. Breyfogle III.
The book thoroughly documents a detailed, Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) enhanced step-by-step Lean Six Sigma project define-measure-analyze-improve-control (DMAIC) roadmap for enterprise wide implementation, supporting a true integration of Six Sigma and Lean tools.
This Lean Six Sigma roadmap, which is shown in the Figure, includes an additional drill down of the Measure phase. The reason this was done is that tools were originally placed in the phase that was popular in GE in the late 1990s when Implementing Six Sigma’s first edition was written. The thought is that some of the tools in the measure phase, such as flowchart and Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), which were included in the GE’s measure phase, needed more description; i.e., Wisdom of the Organization drill down of the DMAIC measure phase. Lean was added to this drill down in the 2nd edition of the Implementing Six Sigma book, which was published in 2003.
In the book:
- Over 100 examples are discussed for transactional as well as manufacturing situations.
- Over 250 exercises are included at the end of most chapters of the book (a Solutions manual with data sets are also available).
- Check sheets for each of the DMAIC phases provide a vehicle that the process improvement practitioner can used to communicate process improvement project status to his/her management.
- Step-by-step progress through the book’s DMAIC roadmap is provided visually at the beginning of book chapters.
One of Several IEE Volume III Amazon 5* Reviews
James E. Bennett stated: “This book, along with Volumes 1 & 2, and the IEE Lean Six Sigma Project Execution Guide were the textbooks used in my Master Black Belt training class. Unlike other textbooks, which go on the shelf after the course never to be opened again, this book has remained a go-to resource for me. It is detailed, understandable and, when coupled with the Project Execution guide, is an invaluable tool I use regularly in the improvement projects I run as well as the training and mentoring I deliver to our staff. Mr. Breyfogle has done an amazing job of capturing the the entire Lean Six Sigma body of knowledge and presents it with examples relevant to every business sector, public or private.
I strongly recommend this book, and the others in the series, to anyone who is committed to operational efficiency and improvement.”
Other Complimentary Books to this Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge Book
Two other books that directly reference and can be used in conjunction with this book; e.g., as a set of Lean Six Sigma training books:
- Lean Six Sigma Project Execution Guide: The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Process Improvement Project Roadmap, Forrest W. Breyfogle III
- Solutions Manual Integrated Enterprise Excellence Volume III – Improvement Project Execution: A Management and Black Belt Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard, Forrest W. Breyfogle III
Training Courses that can Benefit from this Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge Book
Instructional applications for this book are:
- Universities and organizations are using this book as part of their Lean Six Sigma training and process improvement project coaching.
- This Lean Six Sigma book can be referenced long after completion of Master Black Belt, Black Belt and Green Belt training.
The book covers most of ASQ BOK (ASQ Body of Knowledge) topics for these Lean Six Sigma certification tests:
- ASQ Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification
- ASQ Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification
- ASQ Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification
Lean Six Sigma DMAIC Improvement Project Selection
How improvement projects are selected is very important in a lean Six Sigma deployment. It is also important to integrate a lean Six Sigma deployment inside a structure that integrates its improvement efforts with its scorecards and process documentation.
These issues are addressed in a 9-step Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system.
In this road map, step 6 addresses lean Six Sigma improvement project selection. Step 7 involves the execution of lean Six Sigma projects.
What Books are Beneficial to Me?
If someone only wants the details for executing lean Six Sigma projects, a good book choice is Integrated Enterprise Excellence Volume III – Improvement Project Execution . However, if someone or an organization wants to implement a lean Six Sigma 2.0 system in their organization the IEE 5-book set can be an excellence choice for them.
More Information about IEE and its Volume III Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge Book
More information about the book, Integrated Enterprise Excellence Volume III – Improvement Project Execution: A Management and Black Belt Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard, Forrest W. Breyfogle III is available at:
- Table of Contents
- Book Brochure
- Video Description
- Purchase book at a discount from list price
For additional information about Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) see: Business Management Implementation: IEE Articles, Videos, Books
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