Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) Local Client

The Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) local client has been provided as part of the EPRS server installation to support multiple development efforts across an organization though a duplication of the performance metric chart optimization prior to entering the settings into the server. The server installation provides the integration or predictive scorecards with the processes that created them though an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) organizational value chain.

This metric aspect of the IEE system functionality is provided by an executable file that installs into the Minitab menu and a configuration file that manages its functionality.

EPRS local Client menu for Minitab

EPRS local Client menu for Minitab

When this software is provided with the EPRS server install, the configuration file matches the server setup so that development will scale up without any issues. When used as a stand-alone installation, the user is provided the ability to generate the same 30,000-foot-level reporting charts as the EPRS system, but they are available on your PC and are handled just like any other Minitab generated chart. The EPRS local client add-in to Minitab is freely available through the link EPRS Minitab add-in download.

Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) Local Client: Examples

The following four examples illustrate the output formats from this software.  With this software process predicative is assessed from a high level.  If the process is predictive, then a futuristic statement is provided.


Example of an EPRS format performance report for continuous process data without a specification

Example of an EPRS format performance report for continuous process data without a specification

Example of an EPRS format performance report for continuous process data with subgrouping and no specification

Example of an EPRS format performance report for continuous process data with subgrouping and no specification

Example of an EPRS format performance report for Attribute Data

Example of an EPRS format performance report for Attribute Data

Example of an EPRS format pareto plots

Example of an EPRS format pareto plots

Reasons to use the EPRS Client software

  • Want to explore the 30,000-foot-level reporting methods without a full investment in the server version.
  • Want to have a simple method to create performance reports for your project or large/small organization.

EPRS Client software training

Organizations benefit when they have a high-level tracking of performance metrics and an effective means to baseline a process’ output before improvements begin.  The measurement reporting provided by this EPRS software offers an enhanced approach to address these needs. Because of this, the following Smarter Solutions’ offerings include the effective use of this Minitab addin:


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software.

EPRS Client

Provide metrics that tell everyone in your organization what to expect! EPRS client is a free Minitab add-in that can be used to quickly create Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) 30,000-foot-level report-outs. Get back to the business that matters! Contact [email protected] for more details.  …