A free ½ hour business management consulting Zoom session can provide direction for long-lasting improvement to an organization’s big-picture.
This session can determine if concepts from Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE), a next-generation business management system, are suitable for their organization.
The session begins by asking the question if he/she believes that their organization has issues with any of the following ″Effective Management Attributes.″
More often than not, when someone is asked this question, the response is that their organization has issues with all the listed effective-management attributes.
The session facilitator will then ask for elaboration on which of the listed attributes causes the most pain to leadership.
From this response, the facilitator will respond, if appropriate, how the IEE business management system could be beneficial to their organization.
The IEE Business Management System
There is a description of the IEE business management system’s details in a two-book, novel-written series. These two books’ titles are Management 2.0: Discovery of Integrated Enterprise Excellence and Leadership System 2.0: Implementing Integrated Enterprise Excellence.
The preface of Management 2.0 book states: IEE provides a comprehensive 9-step system that CEOs, Presidents, General Managers, executives, managers, leaders, practitioners, and others can use to resolve elephant-in-the-room management issues such as:
- Business goals not being met.
- Scorecards leading to harmful, if not destructive, behaviors.
- Persistent day-to-day firefighting problems.
- Business strategies that are very generic and/or difficult to translate to organizational work environments.
- Lean events and other improvement projects that can consume a lot of resources but often do not offer a quantifiable benefit to the business as a whole.
- Lean Six Sigma process improvement deployments that have improvement projects, which are either not completed in a timely fashion or make substantial financial claims that are questionable.
An editorial review of Leadership System 2.0 states:
“Edwards Deming and other gurus provided great management philosophies; however, the implementation of these techniques in organizations has been minimal. ISO-9001, Baldrige Award, and Shingo Prize provide criteria for acceptance; however, often, “a pass” of these tests is not long-lasting in an organization. This book provides a roadmap for the long-lasting achievement of all these programs’ criteria – in one system”.
–L. Pierre de Rochemont, Founder/GM Frontiernano – Industrialist
IEE a Good Organizational Fit or Not
At the end of this Zoom meeting, there will be an agreement whether one or more concepts in the IEE system concepts is a good fit or not for their organization.
When there is a good fit, the Zoom session attendees will determine agreed-to next steps.
Scheduling a Free Business Management Consulting Session