
Among other things, our management system services provide an enhanced Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Management System.

IEE addresses the common-place business scorecard and process improvement issues that are described in a 1-minute video:


iee management system services video


Management System Services: Operational Excellence

The last 9 words of a past Wikipedia’s definition for Operational Excellence wer ″tools toward the sustainable improvement of key performance metrics.″  To accomplish Wikipedia’s wording objective for Operational Excellence (OE), key performance metrics need to be reported from a process-output point of view. Traditional red-yellow-green scorecards and tables of numbers reporting don’t provide this level of process-response insight.

A 30,000-foot-level reporting format for OE supplies not only the details to address Wikipedia’s metric-reporting requirement but also, more often than not, includes a prediction statement. With this report-out format, when a futuristic 30,000-foot-level statement is undesirable this metric improvement need ″pulls″ for the creation of a process-improvement effort. When a desirable change has been made to a metric’s procedure, the results from this enhancement will be noted as an improved futuristic-statement output.

Our Operational Excellence system also offers software for the systematic linkage of performance measures with the processes that created them, which can be clickable throughout an enterprise and automatically updated.


Management System Services: Lean Six Sigma

Smarter Solutions has worked hard to maintain the full body of knowledge for all of its Lean Six Sigma training offerings. Our Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt students still receive the education that meets ASQ’s body of knowledge and that of the Lean Six Sigma founders many years ago with powerful enhancements.

Our students do not expect to receive an isolated flavor of Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare, Manufacturing, Service, or other industry segments/disciplines. Those who are trained with Smarter Solutions receive a skill set that prepares them for all business segments. This training is consistent with the original intent of Lean Six Sigma.

Every business has both transactional-like and manufacturing-like processes, so why should a student learn about a subset of the methodologies in Lean Six Sigma? Our classroom Lean Six Sigma training and blended online Lean Six Sigma training both provide the full body of knowledge. Each student is prepared to be successful, since these training offerings:

  • Provide key characteristics of Lean Six Sigma training and certification.
  • Include full Body of knowledge, expected for Lean Six Sigma belts, in all courses.
  • Require the successful completion of a project to achieve certification.
  • Provide Master Black Belt coaching to students so that they both better understand and can apply the course material concepts, along with assistance, for timely completion of their project.
  • Includes up to five published text books that exactly match the course materials, which include a detailed project execution roadmap.
  • Provide extensive free resources that help students and clients support their learning.


Management System Services: Business Management System

Smarter Solutions® also offers an enhanced approach to enterprise-wide business system development, consulting, and software. Smarter Solutions provides business management training and solutions, which integrate the concepts of predictive balanced scorecards within an enterprise value chain that leads to:

  • Effective day-to-day activities.
  • Targeted enterprise strategy creation that results in the creation of enterprise-as-a-whole-beneficial Lean Six Sigma projects or other improvement efforts.

Smarter Solutions’ business management system helps organizations avoid the problems of undertaking a Lean Six Sigma or Business Process Management (BPM) deployment, which often later gets cancelled because executives don’t see benefits from the effort.


Management System Services: Integrated Enterprise Excellence

Smarter Solutions’ business system training and consulting is called Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE). IEE provides a structured integration of Operational Excellence with Enterprise Process Management (EPM) and Business Process Management (BPM) so that success is achieved in:

  • Effective Performance Reporting
  • Targeted Strategy development
  • Aligned improvement projects
  • Development of management rules and policies

BPM is generally sold as an IT method to automate business workflows and processes; however, BPM has more to offer. For example, with an IEE BPM deployment, insight is gained on:

  • Where automation should be applied for the most benefit.
  • Where to target resources to gain the most leverage for performance improvement.
  • How to most effectively manage the enterprise as a whole.
  • How to establish and achieve world-class business goals.


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Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software.