This predictive analytics scorecard training provides instruction on how to create Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Management System and other process-output 30,000-foot-level reports.
IEE 30,000-foot-level metric reporting addresses the business scorecard and improvement issues described in a 1-minute video:
Note, when a prediction statement is not desirable, this performance measurement improvement need “pulls” for the execution of an improvement project.
Organizations benefit when they use 30,000-foot-level reporting to baseline a process-output response that is to be improved through a lean Six Sigma project or other process improvement technique.
Predictive Analytics Scorecard On-line Training (30,000-Foot-Level Reporting): Who Should Attend?
The introduction of the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system into a business or just the adoption of the Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) will proceed much quicker if there is a core set of people that fully understand the 30,000-foot-level reporting methods that support the IEE business system decision making processes.
Ideally this core set of people have received Lean Six Sigma training at one of Smarter Solutions’ belt levels as part of the deployment, but the attendance in one of these courses may be excessive for individuals that already have a solid process reporting or improvement background.
This is an online version of a 30,000-foot-level methods course that has been provided for clients that have existing staff with competencies in performance reporting, process improvement, or in Lean Six Sigma as a method to quickly prepare them to support an IEE or EPRS deployment without requiring an extended Lean Six Sigma training period.
Predictive Analytics Scorecard On-line Training (30,000-Foot-Level Reporting): Course Description
- Contains the same concepts and examples used in an existing classroom version of this course.
- 100% self-paced blended e-learning, no classroom time is required.
- Each student progresses at their own pace.
- Requires a computer with only internet access and flash plug-in to view a limited number of tutorials.
- May be taken with a mobile device, with a PC used for flash viewing.
- Requires student to have a copy of Minitab® to work the exercises provided in the course.
- Minitab use is taught as part of the course.
- Includes quizzes and tests for understanding.
- Includes approximately 20 hours of interactive instruction and exercises.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to use the 30,000-foot-level methods to assess and report business performance in a method that will be clear and understandable to all people and will lead to better decision making.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and this predictive analytics scorecard training.