Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) is a next generation business management system that provides sustainable improvement of key performance indicators (KPIs) metrics.
IEE addresses the business management system software issues described in a one-minute video:
IEE offers a key performance indicator (KPI) tracking methodology, which delivers enhanced process insight and a statistical quantification of any process-improvement benefit.
IEE metrics as part of its management information system can identify when process change has occurred and enumerate any procedural enhancement or degradation from a business process management software process-output point of view.
With the IEE system, error and non-conformance rate reductions can systematically be undertaken so that the enterprise as a whole benefits.
IEE provides a business management system software framework that provides navigation guidance for addressing strategic and every day business challenges, which is not unlike what a golfer experiences when maneuver through a fairway:
What does the Integrated Enterprise Excellence System solve? ISO 9000 Implementation
Wikipedia’s ISO 9000 description states: “The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or program.”
IEE provides a long-lasting quality management system structure for addressing customer, stakeholder, and statutory/regulatory needs.
What does the Integrated Enterprise Excellence System solve? Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Implementation Infrastructure
Wikipedia’s Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award description states: “To receive a Baldrige Award, an organization must have a role-model organizational management system that ensures continuous improvement in delivering products and/or services, demonstrates efficient and effective operations, and provides a way of engaging and responding to customers and other stakeholders.”
The IEE system offers a long-lasting organizational management system that provides the infrastructure to address all Malcolm Baldrige award criteria.
Business Process Management, Enterprise Process Management and IEE
As a next generation business management system software implementation, IEE can also provide the infrastructure framework for an organizational Enterprise Management (EPM) system. This IEE-EPM system can help orchestrate organizational business process management (BPM) activities, as described in how to achieve an EPM system and how to create a BPM implementation.
An Integrated Enterprise Excellence Overview
Organizations benefit when there is structured measurement, management and improvement system for the enterprise as a whole. Needs for this system is that operational processes are executed, aligned, and have integration. With an IEE approach that fulfills these needs, concentration is given so that the enterprise as a whole benefits from process improvement efforts and there is an avoidance of organizational silo work that might look advantageous locally but have little, if any, enterprise-wide benefits.
Organizations benefit and reduce wasted efforts when this enterprise business process management system software incorporates an integrated repository of performance metrics with procedural documentation. This information should then be readily accessible by management and the authorized workforce with it management information system software. Benefits to managers when they use such a system is the providing and maximizing of its measurable, predicable, and sustainable whole-enterprise financial enhancements.
A high-level description of the benefits of an IEE system and how to implement the methodology is described in the Integrated Enterprise Excellence website.
- IEE introduction, including a one-minute video link, that highlights issues with traditional scorecards and resolution to the problems.
- Issues with traditional performance scorecards, including a video that describes red-yellow-green scorecards reporting problems and resolution to these “false alarms” with a 30,000-foot-level reporting methodology. Eight example application of the described predictive-performance reporting techniques illustrate the value of 30,000-foot-level reporting over traditional scorecards.
- IEE overall system description in ″Positive Metrics Poor Business Performance″ article.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence System Benefits
The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System approach for implementing an Operational Excellence or a Business Process Management Software System involves the integration of non-statistical and statistical methods.
IEE’s implementation creates:
- A long-lasting system that contains controls where fundamental methodologies will remain consistent even though there may be changes in management, competitive environment, and/or economic conditions.
- Methodology that enhances traditional Operational Excellence and Business Process Management Software (BPM software) techniques.
- Replaces firefighting issues of the day/week with fire prevention work, which gives focus to what efforts should be undertaken so that these problems don’t reoccur.
- Integrated Enterprise Excellence Systems’ implementation for Operational Excellence, providing a Management Information System, offers direction so that organizations do not undertake the execution of both strategies and improvement efforts that may not be beneficial. The IEE system provides organizational direction for identifying risks and the creation of no-nonsense next-generation balanced scorecard organizational performance measurement dashboard that result in efforts so that the enterprise’s financials benefits.
- Provides a transparent system so that meetings can be more productive in that they could reference through a click of the mouse how processes are preforming, often with a predictive statement.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence Implementation
The nine steps of the IEE business management system are. This process is consist with Edwards Deming’s philosophy. In the nine-step flow chart, the loop between step nine and step 3 could be viewed as a Edwards Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach for whole-enterprise improvement.
Enterprise Process Management integrates with Business Process Management software in the IEE system through an organizational IEE value chain, step 2 of the 9-step IEE system.
In Operational Excellence, improvement metric needs, which strategically benefit the enterprise as a whole, are identified is step 6 of the IEE system. In step 7, improvements are executed.
Confirmation that an improvement was made and is beneficial is that the IEE 30,000-foot-level predictive performance metric KPI in step 2 transitions to an enhanced level of performance.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence Implementation Software
Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software provides the means for organizations to implement the IEE value chain that is described in step 2 of the 9-step IEE system — and more.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence Books and Training
The Integrated Enterprise Excellence 2-book novel-written series describe the details of implementing the IEE enhanced business management system. These books, which are titled Management 2.0: Discovery of Integrated Enterprise Excellence & Leadership System 2.0: Implementing Integrated Enterprise Excellence are available on Amazon and other book retailers in paperback, e-book, and audio book formats.
An ASQ Quality Management Division Webinar recording (Management 2.0 for Practitioners and Managers) describes the comprehensive 9-step Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system and shows how this system resolves many organizational elephant-in-the-room management issues.
Management 2.0 for Practitioners and Managers: ASQ Quality Management Division Webinar Recording
This business management system webinar helps practitioners and managers go beyond organizational issues that commonly occur with tried-but-not-so-true techniques like strategic planning, the balanced scorecard, red-yellow-green scorecards, reports, hoshin kanri, and Lean Six Sigma programs.
View this session to learn, among other things, a 9-step system to create and report 30,000-foot-level operational and satellite-level financial performance metrics, which separate high-level common-cause variation from special-cause events. 30,000-foot-level performance statements can be predictive, where if a common-cause prediction statement is undesirable, this metric improvement need will ″pull″ for the creation of a process improvement effort.
Integrated Enterprise Excellence Business Management System Implementation Options
IEE offers a total operational excellence system that consists of several components, which could be implemented independently:
- Process Output Performance Measurement Tracking: Organizations which would like to improve their scorecard system so that they have predictive measures should contact Smarter Solutions. Eight example applications to real data situations provide illustrations of the benefit of this IEE process-output tracking approach. A free examination of a key performance indicator (KPI) using a predictive dashboard methodology typically is very eye opening!
- Strategic Planning: Often organizations have been using a traditional business management system in place to create their strategies but are having difficulties for either executing the strategies or wondering if these efforts are the best to undertake for the business as a whole. IEE incorporates an Enterprise Improvement Plan (EIP) methodology that addresses these issues. Contact Smarter Solutions to see how you could benefit from this methodology.
- Business Process Improvement: With traditional deployment of Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, Lean, and other methodologies, often the efforts are in silos and the business as a whole does not benefit. The IEE methodology addresses this shortcoming by structurally integrating improvement efforts into the overall business management system. An investment of one hour of your time in a conversation with Smarter Solutions about this approach could be one of the most productive hours that you have spent all year.
Additional Resources Describing IEE Methodology and Management Information System Software Implementation Benefits
- Comparison with other systems: In this section you will see comparisons of IEE with other existing and historical business systems and methodologies. These pages will show the similarities and the differences.
- Nine IEE rules: Described are the 9 rules and the business needs IEE addresses.
- More information, articles, videos, and webinars: If the IEE System makes sense to you and you simply want to learn more, you can view all the material in this link and/or purchase the two novel-written books, Management 2.0: Discovery of Integrated Enterprise Excellence and Leadership System 2.0: Implementing Integrated Enterprise Excellence. These books provide insight for a self-deployment of the IEE nine-step Enterprise Process Management system!
- Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE): A Next Generation Operational Excellence System: One day executive, three day champion, and one week implementer training
- Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Operational Excellence Lean Six Sigma Training: Various lengths of workshops and courses are available.
- YouTube videos that describe IEE enhanced methodologies for measurements and improvements
- Services that Smarter Solutions, Inc. provides and the benefits
Application of IEE to Creation of a Long-lasting Business Process Management (BPM) and Management Information System (MIS) Implementation
How to benefit from the IEE system in operations management with its Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software (which provides predictive scorecard reporting and a process improvement system so the big picture benefits) is described in:
- How to Avoid Commonplace Business Management System Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Management Information System Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Business Process Management Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Lean Six Sigma Problems
Next Steps
- Link the free 30,000-foot-level app or other webpages in this artice to your personal and corporate websites so you and your organization can conveniently access these powerful methodologies.
- Discuss the benefits of 30,000-foot-level metric reporting and IEE in your organization by scheduling a video meeting session with Forrest through the link.