Enhanced Lean Implementation Plan

Described is an enhanced lean implementation plan where leadership sees the benefits since lean process improvement efforts are targeted to improve business financials as a whole.

Traditional Lean Implementation Plan

Often Lean deployments focus on training and tools application; e.g.,

  • Leadership training and engagement
  • Employee lean training
  • Kaizen event process
  • Value stream mapping
  • 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
  • Visual workplace
  • Performance walkthroughs
  • Total productive maintenance (TPM)
  • Mistake proofing
  • Work cell balance
  • Changeover times reduction
  • Kanban
  • Toyota Production System (TPS)

These tools can be very powerful; however, if their application does not benefit the big-picture financial metrics, then the value to executive management can be questionable.

What organizations need is an enhanced lean implementation plan that breaks down silo process improvement projects that have little, if any, enterprise as a whole benefit:


lean implementation plan needs to avoid silo projects that have little enterprise as whole benefit


Enhanced Lean Implementation Plan Approach

Stepping back to the big picture one notes that what is needed is avoid playing games with the number and do the following for the enterprise as a whole:


lean implementation plan needs to


The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system addresses these issues where the tool sets of Lean and Six Sigma are structurally integrated into the Lean Six Sigma project execution roadmap and 9-step IEE business management system as well.

Organizations gain much from the IEE systematic approach where business measurement improvement needs reported using a predictive performance metric system pull for projects that benefit the corporate enterprise as a whole.  These techniques are described in detailed in many books, articles, and webinars.


Additional Information about the IEE Enhanced Lean Implementation Plan

For additional information about utilization of a lean implementation with Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) see:

Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its enhanced lean implementation plan methodology.