Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

Smarter Solutions’ Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews from evaluations and testimonial statements provide insights to the differentiation and value of these course offerings.

Organizations benefit from the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Management System approach for implementing Lean Six Sigma concepts, not only at the improvement project but business operations as well. Courses have various duration; e.g., 1-hour, 4-hour, 1-day, 2-day, or 2-week.


lean six sigma training reviews DMAIC training roadmap


Eight Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

These testimonials provide some of this insight :

  • “This (IEE Black Belt) course is highly recommended for anyone interested in eliminating and preventing process problems. This course is highly recommended for (making) process improvements .” Jacquelyn Barnett, Operations Supervisor, Bama Companies.
  • “(This IEE Black Belt course) helped me look at each process relative to how it impacts overall company goals. (This course encourages asking) how does improving this process improve the bottom line? Looking forward to implementing these tools in my daily work.” Seth Nienhuis, Bama Companies.
  • “Great class! It brought the statistics to reality with our real world data that really helped it click! Thanks again!” Carl Alexander, Bama Companies
  • “Excellent flow of information on IEE presented passionately.  Great value for 1 day training on easy to apply Quality Principles to improve processes/Organization.”  MC
  • “It is a solid effort to create a frame work for the various methodologies that are popular today.” MC
  • “Forrest’s Integrated Enterprise Excellence approach to Lean Six Sigma and the entire business is different than most “MBA” approaches taught in B-schools in that IEE focuses on building a sustainable business as opposed to the all-too-often approach of B-schools in maximizing quarterly profits, often while subordinating future profits. His focus on applying Lean Six Sigma from the shop floor on up to the corner office is in keeping with a true enterprise-level approach to running a business.” MT
  • “IEE (Integrated Enterprise (process) Excellence System) is the missing puzzle piece that completes the overall organization continuous improvement program.  “IEE introduces a new way to look at the business and help improve the bottom line profit. Overall, very informative and well taught in one-day seminar.” MM
  • “This workshop provided insightful and beneficial tools that can be incorporated into a business to better meet the needs of the customer.” NB

Four More Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

  • “I personally believe that the IEE is a system that will help us put the focus on the important elements of our operation providing us with the needed tools for sustainable profitability. Smarter Solutions has performed the consulting work as we have expected, a reason why we will keep working with them trying to achieve our vision of becoming a world class Bolivian mining company.” NT
  • “My company enrolled me for this two day session along with my four more colleagues and all I knew about six sigma was only the name which is used in quality improvement groups and nothing more. After attending your two day session and just with that experience and understanding, today I know what six sigma is and its huge benefit in quality improvement and more over, I am confident enough to start six sigma in my organization.” NM
  • Forrest is a well-known name in the business excellence world and a visionary that has transformed a quality concept vision into a practical business method, IEE, to help business leaders obtain improved and sustainable results.  His presentations convey passion about the extension of quality concepts that not only those involved in the quality profession but managers at all level can benefit. PG
  • “Why go beyond six sigma was excellent. I didn’t have any expectations so I was heavily positively surprised. The executive message gave me hope, that Six Sigma really is important and we have support from the top management. Forrest W. Breyfogle III was inspiring speaker.” PK

Four Additional Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

  • “…maps out the strategic plan & philosophy in which I’m planning to build our start-up around…” PR
  • “The best business system that applies multiple tools that I have seen.” RL
  • “An excellent overview of an integrated approach to corporate excellence.” RE
  • “Forrest makes a difficult topic easy to understand and comprehend in a no nonsense approach.  Very helpful!” RB

Five More Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

  • “It was wonderful being a part of your class and the two days were very usefully spent. What impressed me was your depth in subject and the way you demystified the topic of Six Sigma. I also liked the hierarchy of measurements that you that you talked about, which can help in engaging the top management on a continual basis.” SK
  • “Mr. Breyfogle’s experience & teaching skills alone make this class fantastic, let alone the fact that it can transform your business.” SE
  • “Smarter Solutions’ 1 day workshop, “Beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard,” truly accomplishes just that and offers a realistic and practical approach that goes beyond Lean Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard.  Breyfogle’s approach, Integrated Enterprise Excellence, trumps the Balanced Scorecard by aligning the entire enterprise to be able to consistently produce Smarter Six Sigma Solutions.” SZ
  • “Smarter Solutions truly strives to make a difference in how businesses strategy and goals are understood, created and implemented so that they add value.” SL
  • “Forrest has assembled a process that systematically addresses overall business improvement.  It has a logical, data driven approach that is needed in today’s business world.” (one input to these lean Six Sigma training reviews) SB

Three Additional Lean Six Sigma Training Reviews

  • “Breyfogle’s complete understanding of process improvement best practices are combined into a relevant and actionable program.  This could prove very helpful to companies that have lived through TQM, TOC, and Lean Six Sigma and need a new path towards success.” SN
  • Forrest training is really more than a regular lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (MBB) training.  Forrest’s training is not just teaching statistical tools, the training goes far beyond because it teaches the use of an Operational Excellence (OpEx) approach that combines with continuous improvement (CI) tools to create a truly CI system.  Forrest also makes you think again and challenge current processes and tools in a way that you really think in a continuous improvement mindset.  This training is like no other.
  • My experience (in this list of Lean Six Sigma Training Review): I was frustrated and dissatisfied after completion of my very first black belt project (a requirement and part of my certification process). Even though my Black Belt project reported significant amount of bottom line hard benefits that were validated by finance. The money was not to be seen (apparently intangible). There was no evidence of how the results impacted or benefited the big picture in any way. In short the improvement was much localized to a specific dept.Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma projects are worked in silos. There is no link between project improvement and Organization strategies. The only metrics that Black belts and Continuous improvement Practitioners are interested is the project metric (primary, secondary and consequential). The only improvement they are concerned is project improvement. Question is how to tie this improvement in a way that the organization as a whole is benefited along with internal and external customers and suppliers.  I knew that I was missing something.Search for the missing link: During my research, on the internet, I came across the term “IEE” and how it links the finance and operational metrics to strategies to improvement projects (pull system – Lean terminology). In the beginning I was very skeptical about this whole “IEE” improvement approach. I decided to do some more re-search, Then I started reading the available IEE and Lean Six Sigma articles on Smarter Solutions website.“Creating control charts – 30,000ft level part 1-4” was the first article I read and all of a sudden, everything started to make so much sense. I decided to Drill down more into the subject by reading IEE volume 1-4.The result: The concept of IEE (predictive metrics and analysis, value chain, E-DMAIC, satellite metric and 30,000ft metric) broadened my thinking of the very term “continuous improvement”. I think I am more confident now than before in understanding and implementing Improvement projects.Using IEE and IEE predictive metrics analysis, I am very confident now that I will be selecting the right black belt projects,(3R’s: doing the right project using the right tools at right time) which have significant impact on the business performance as a whole.Thanks Mr. Forrest.”


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Lean Six Sigma 2.0 Training.