Operations Management Implementation, as an enhanced system with predictive scorecards, provides valuable insights to what is occurring in the process.
Operations Management Implementation
Operations Management Implementation involves the design, management, and control of processes in the production of goods and services. Included in operations management are the development and utilization of resources throughout organizational supply chains at both the tactical and operational levels.
Tactical issues include:
- Facilities structure and layout
- Equipment selection
- Equipment replacement
Operational issues include:
- Scheduling and control
- Inventory management
- Quality
- Material handing
- Maintenance
Operations management
Operations management converts inputs (e.g., materials and labor) into outputs (e.g., products and services) so that the organization benefits. Operations Management ensures that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. Operations management balances costs with revenue for the purpose of maximizing net operating profit.
An Implementation System
Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) provides a long-lasting structure for implementing and the objectives of Operations Management. IEE addresses the operational management scorecard and improvement issues described in a 1-minute video:
IEE is a sustainable business management governance system, which integrates:
- Business scorecards
- Strategies
- Process improvement
An IEE system can help organizations move toward the three Rs of business (everyone is doing the Right things and doing them Right at the Right time). IEE provides the framework for innovation and continual improvement.
The existence and excellence of a business depends on more customers and cash, or, E=MC2. As a business way of life, IEE provides the organization orchestration to achieve more customers and cash through its 9-step implementation roadmap.
An Enhanced Approach for Operations Management Implementation
For additional information about Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) see:
- Business Management Implementation: IEE Articles, Videos, Books
- An Operations Management Implementation to address Executive Challenges
- An Operations Management Implementation that transitions historical reported dashboards and scorecards to predictive reports (10 application illustrations shown)
- Using within an Operations Management Implementation a predictive performance metric system
Application of IEE to Creation of a Long-lasting Business Process Management (BPM) and Management Information System (MIS) Implementation
How to benefit from the IEE system in operations management with its Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software (which provides predictive scorecard reporting and a process improvement system so the big picture benefits) is described in:
- How to Avoid Commonplace Business Management System Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Management Information System Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Business Process Management Software Problems
- How to Avoid Commonplace Lean Six Sigma Problems
Contact Us through an e-mail or telephone call to set up a time for a discussion on how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence Business Process Management system. Or, a Zoom meeting can be schedule directly:
E-mail ([email protected]) or call us (+1.512.918.0280), if you encounter difficulties setting up a Zoom session directly or want to schedule another time that is not available in the Zoom-meeting calendar.