Smarter Solutions’ business coaching and consulting services provide the guidance organizations can use to address a specific issue or transition to the next level. The company’s headquarters is in Austin, Texas; however, the Smarter Solutions’ team works with organizations throughout the world.
Smarter Solutions has been assisting businesses since 1992, providing new tools and skills that allow businesses to grow and succeed in an ever changing business environment.
Our Experience in Business Coaching and Consulting Services
Forrest Breyfogle published a series of books, The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) series, which provided guidance on the application of Enterprise Process Management and Business Process Improvement. Since their printing, the growth of Business Process Management has continued and is now a mainstream business strategy.
Forrest’s IEE books provide a perfect description of the Enterprise Process Management system that is just glossed over in most Business Process Management books.
Smarter Solutions views Business Process Management as just another competency that can be used by leading businesses to continue improving and growing. By itself, Business Process Management is not a strategy or stand-alone initiative that can be long-standing. Without a complementary business management system, an organization will not achieve the success with BPM that could have been achieved. Smarter Solutions’ Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) 9-step system addresses this need.
Smarter Solutions views a business as a system of interdependent processes. A business run with many silos, that compete for priorities, and that are managed by a small set of independent managers will always struggle. Building a business around a clear set of management rules (a system) that are supported by a data driven performance management system, like the IEE system, is the path to a unified business workforce.
Through many years of working with Lean and Six Sigma and other BPI methods, Smarter Solutions knows how to align the Business Process Improvement (BPI) initiatives to the business strategic needs.
The Smarter Solutions’ Integrated Enterprise Excellence and Business Process Management system provides a methodology to improve the entire decision making process in your business without an impact on the culture and principles that make your business strong. The IEE system provides the roadmap for putting the pieces of an organizational puzzle together:
Smarter Solutions, Inc. can provide business coaching and consulting services that helps organizations address the common-place business scorecard and improvement issues described in the 1-minute video:
Business Coaching and Consulting Services: Next Steps
Smarter Solutions, Inc. is based in Austin, Texas; however, the company works with organizations throughout the world helping their big-picture benefit.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and Smarter Solutions’ business coaching and consulting services.