As our company name, Smarter Solutions, implies, we help organizations “do things smarter.”
Since 1992, our consulting and training are helping organizations do one or more of the following:
- Build a targeted strategy that has whole-enterprise benefits and gets executed.
- Identify corporate risks so that timely actions occur to avoid “bad things from happening.”
- Build a control system that identifies issues so appropriate resolution-actions are timely undertaken.
- Execute process improvement and Lean Six Sigma efforts so that there is a demonstrated enterprise-as-a-whole benefit and an enhancement in KPIs performance.
- Reduce organizational lead times.
- Reduce corporate non-conformance rates.
- Enhance Voice of the Customer (VOC) feedback so that changes occur, which improves customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.
- Improve supply chain on-time deliveries and reduce non-conformance rates.
- Execute effective Design of Experiments (DOE) with tangible benefits in manufacturing, transactional processes, and development.
- Use and benefit from business analytics, so there are quantifiable enterprise benefits.
- Improve organizational scorecard reporting, e.g., red-yellow-green scorecards and table-of-numbers reports.
- Address common-place organizational firefighting “problems of the day” so that these issues do not reoccur.
- Use company resources more efficiently and effectively.
- Effectively execute Lean kaizen events to improve a performance metric important to the business.
- Effectively use Theory of Constraints (TOC) methods to identify constraints and take appropriate bottleneck issue actions so the enterprise benefits.
- Create a predictive scorecard system where an undesirable predictive statement “pulls” for the creation of a process-improvement project.
- Create a Quality Management System.
- Create an Operational Excellence System.
- Create a metric reporting system that separates process response noise from unusual events so that appropriate actions or no actions occur because of the metrics’ performance.
- Implement a metrics reporting system that shows statistically when a performance metric performance either improved or degraded because the process changed, so that appropriate actions or no actions occur.
- Create a system that provides organizational process performance metric reporting and documentation to all authorized 24×7.
- Create business management and improvement system consistent with the teachings/objectives of Edwards Deming, Peter Senge, Malcolm Baldrige Award, and ISO-9001.
- Benefit from a business management system that moves organizations toward achieving the 3 Rs of business (i.e., everyone doing the Right things, and doing them Right, at the Right time).
- Do more with less.