These blog talk interview podcasts were conducted by organizations such as American Management Association (AMA) Edgewise, PI Windows on the World, and Quality Conversations. In these interviews, Forrest Breyfogle describes, among other things, the benefits of the enhanced business process management system (BPM); i.e., Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE). Podcast topic titles include: “What Really Happened at Toyota”, “Taking Six Sigma to the Next Level”, and “Corporate Performance Management: Integrated Enterprise Excellence”.

Is Your Management System Broken?

What would you say if someone said that current management systems are broken? Your management system? If you are intrigued and interested in learning more, you are in for a treat.In this edition of the Operational Excellence Edge ezine series, you get to meet another of the authors of Driving Operational Excellence. Forrest Breyfogle, author of 13 books in the area of process improvement, quality, and Lean Six Sigma, shares some of his unique insights on these topics and more. Forrest will share his views about Toyota’s recent struggles along with other insights you will find very useful.

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Decisions Made in a Silo

Most companies build their organizational charts around the concept of silos, which Forrest W. Breyfogle III says can cause significant problems because decisions made in a silo are not necessarily made in the best interest of the entire company. As the founder of Smarter Solutions, a provider of Lean Six Sigma coaching, consulting and training services, Forrest has experienced this challenge firsthand. Most Six Sigma projects originate within a…

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Unemployed Excellence – Why Lean, Six Sigma Have Left Some People Out in the Cold

This week we welcome award winning author Forrest Breyfogle III to discuss the surprising job loss trend amongst Six Sigma Black Belt and Master Black Belt professionals that is linked, at least in part, to the current economic crisis. He will also share with us why his 4 book series on Integrated Enterprise Excellence coupled with the introduction of the Smarter Solutions 1-Day CEO Executive Session can lay the groundwork for reversing this trend while delivering tangible value to an organization’s bottom line

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