An enhanced logistics and supply chain management system is available through the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system.
Enhanced Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Traditional logistics and supply chain management metrics often include tabular reporting and perhaps classic trend and bar charts. Management can also use a scorecard system to monitor and track both financial and non-financial areas of the business against measurement goals established for each of these metrics.
With this logistics and supply chain management scorecard approach, metric owners can be tracked against and are responsible for achieving the goals established for their respectively balanced scorecard metrics; i.e., financial, customer, internal business, and innovation and learning perspectives. Benefits can be achieved from these traditional performance measurement systems; however, if care is not exercised, many of these systems can lead to the wrong business activities and the sub-optimization of processes.
However, in the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system cascading measurements can be created, which aligns metrics to the overall needs of the organization. The tracking of these measurements over time can then pull (using a Lean term) for the creation of IEE improvement projects, which addresses common cause variability improvement needs for the process output.
An IEE system provides a systematic logistics and supply chain management approach for improving the business as a whole.
Additional information about the IEE approach is provided in the Supply & Demand Chain Executive Published PDF article that is provided in the link below.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization could gain much from an IEE logistics and supply chain management system.