Enhanced Lean Six Sigma Principles: Training, Certification, Consulting and Deployment

An enhancement of lean Six Sigma principles is provided in the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Management System.


A lean Six Sigma training, certification, consulting and deployment system needs to benefit the organization as a whole.  However, often lean Six Sigma deployments encourage silo thinking, where the business’ big picture does not benefit.


A traditional lean Six Sigma principles deployment may report a savings of 100 million dollars but no body can find the money. This is a major shortcoming of a traditional lean Six Sigma principles deployment. To address this issue, improvement projects need to address the improvement of key performance indices (KPIs) that benefit the enterprise as a whole as described in the one-minute video:


lean six sigma principles enhancement video


An Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) lean Six Sigma deployment addresses this issue so silo projects that have minimal/no enterprise benefit.

lean six sigma principles, avoiding silos with an IEE deployment

Smarter Solutions, founded 1992, provides the full range of Lean Six Sigma IEE training, coaching and consulting. Two modes of training are available for our primary courses:

  1. Traditional, instructor-led Lean Six Sigma classroom experience
    • Through public offerings
    • Through on-site, corporate offerings
  2. Blended, online Lean Six Sigma training experience that can include extensive one-on-one coaching with an experienced Master Black Belt
    • Available to individuals
    • Available for groups

Our training gives focus so that the organizational big-picture benefits.


Our training incorporates the concepts and references during the training six of our books; i.e., the training is more than a deck of slides.




Lean Six Sigma Principles Training, Certification, Consulting And Deployment: About Smarter Solutions’ Training

  • Smarter Solutions has been refining its Lean Six Sigma training material since 1992. The training materials used in each course are derived from years of Lean Six Sigma experience so that the student not only learns the Body of Knowledge topics, but also fully appreciates how to wisely apply the tools in real-life situations.
  • The Lean Six Sigma courses are not fragmented into different courses for multiple business situations. The courses are created to integrate all types of business examples so that the students understand how to use the concepts both within and outside of the student’s current work assignment, because who stays at the same job for a career.
  • Comprehensive Reference books are provided with every course. The courses provide detailed references to the text book, the project workbook, and to the course notes. This eliminates the need to take detailed notes for future references; you will complete the courses with a published book that contains the entire course concepts and more!
  • Most Lean Six Sigma courses are provided as both an internal course to support a deployment of the Lean Six Sigma methodology or as a open class for students without an internal training program. The core Lean Six Sigma training courses are also provided in a self-paced blended online training version that integrates the same reference materials as the instructor led courses along with extensive one-on-one coaching through the course and certification.
  • The Lean Six Sigma courses are provided to individuals to solve specific problems or part of a corporate deployment of Lean Six Sigma or an Enterprise Business System deployment.
  • The primary belt courses include coaching and certification into the base price of the course.
  • Statistical analysis techniques are taught using Minitab Software.


Enhanced Lean Six Sigma Principles Training, Certification, Consulting And Deployment: Courses Available

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt – Two week instructor led course

This course is for existing Lean Six Sigma Black Belts who wish to gain the skills to go beyond just working DMAIC projects. The course covers the leadership of business improvement programs, teaching and coaching, and advanced DMAIC analysis tools.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – Four week instructor led course, two week add-on to a Green Belt course or a blended online course

This course is for people desire to learn about the Lean Six Sigma methods that will enable the ability to lead improvements anywhere within your business and in any situation. This course does not require any prior Lean Six Sigma training as a prerequisite.

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt – Two week instructor led course or  a blended online course

This course is for people desire to learn about the Lean Six Sigma methods that will enable the ability to lead improvements anywhere within their current work assignment. This course does not require any prior Lean Six Sigma training as a prerequisite.

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt – Three day instructor led course

This course is for people with a desire to know more about Lean Six Sigma and the DMAIC process, but do not wish to become an improvement project leader. The students will obtain the skills to perform simple improvements along with being trained to support any existing Lean Six Sigma project as an active participant. This course does not require any prior Lean Six Sigma training as a prerequisite.

Post-Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training – One week instructor led course

This course is for existing Lean Six Sigma Black Belts who wish to gain the skills to lead more complex DMAIC projects but do not intend to become a Lean Six Sigma instructor or program manager. These students just want to learn more about solving problems. This course requires a prior certification as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.

Green Belt to Black Belt Upgrade – Two week instructor led course

This course is for existing Lean Six Sigma Green Belts who have completed a project and wish to upgrade to a Black Belt. Course material is designed to begin the training with a short recap of Green Belt lessons and add on with the Black Belt knowledge.

Other Specialty Courses Available Upon Request


Lean Six Sigma Deployment Services

  • Manage a complete corporate Lean Six Sigma deployment and rapidly turn over the program management to internal resources.
  • Provide training support for an internally managed Lean Six Sigma deployment. This allows a company to focus on their business instead of struggling to maintain competent internal LSS instructors and training materials.


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its enhanced lean Six Sigma principles.