Organizations often describe their business performance using a table of numbers, stack bar charts, and/or pie charts. Red-yellow-green scorecards may also be used for an assessment of how well a function is performing relative to established goals. Traditional performance scorecards present historical information for some timeframe with no predictive statement. Business decisions made through the use of these charts are not unlike driving a car by only looking at its rear view mirror. What organizations need is a predictive metric reporting system. This futuristic assessment can then be utilized so that if expected future performance is not desirable, adjustments can be made. This is not unlike making an automobile driving adjustment using a steering wheel or brake/gas pedal, where this mechanical intervention is analogous to incorporating process improvement activities. The described Statistical Business Performance Charting (SBPC) methodology can, for example, reduce firefighting when the performance measurement system replaces organizational red-yellow-green scorecards, which often have no structured plan for making goal-setting improvement objectives. This article describes how organizations can benefit from a SBPC scorecard or dashboard system, which can guide them to the most appropriate performance-measurement system actions or non-actions in both manufacturing and transactional processes.