Business Management System

These next generation business management system books describe the details of a 9-step Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) methodology that can move organizations toward achievement of the 3 R’s of business; i.e., everyone doing the Rights and doing them Right at the Right time.

Included in these business management and system books are not only leadership techniques but also business management system details that can be used to orchestrate organizational activities so that performance at all levels of the business is enhanced. The described predictive scorecard and analytical techniques help organizations develop target strategies and determine where to focus improvement efforts so that the big-picture benefits.

The IEE books methodology is an enhancement to Business Process Management (BPM) that integrates both manual and automated processes with their predictive performance measures via an IEE value chain, which describes what an organization does and how it measures what is done.

EPRS Metrics Tool Datasets

Management 2.0, Figure 6.2, Hanks golf shots Management 2.0, Figure 7.8, Positive metric article, wastage baseline Management 2.0, Figure 7.13, Positive metric article, demonstrating wastage reduction Management 2.0, Figure 9.7, Expense Management 2.0, Figure 9.8, Lead Time Management 2.0, Figure 9.9, non-conformance rate Management 2.0, Figure 10.2, Lead time after process improvement

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