
Key performance indicators reporting and process improvement books describe a next generation business management system. How-to details for benefiting from the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) 9-step business management system is described in a 5-book series.

Volume 1 is written as a novel. In this book, dialog between four golfing friends describe the benefit of IEE over traditional business management and process improvement methodologies.

Volume 2 provides the details of implementing the 9-step IEE system, where among other things predictive scorecards are aligned with the processes that created them. Described is a process improvement identification methodology. With this technique, the creation of an Enterprise Improvement Plan (EIP) identifies key performance indicators that needed enhancement so the enterprise as a whole benefits.

Volume 3 offers a very detailed Lean Six Sigma improvement project execution roadmap so that identified EIP improvement areas of the business can timely be enhanced so that the enterprise as a whole benefits.