When comparing management consulting firms in Austin, Texas, and elsewhere throughout the world, organizations need to consider many items in their selection process. A similar thought process should also apply to the selection of trainers for operational excellence, lean Six Sigma, business process management (BPM), and business management system creation (with software).
Smarter Solutions, Inc. has been based in Austin, Texas since 1992. We have helped both manufacturing and transactional organizations throughout the world improve not only their processes but their performance scorecard reporting and business management systems as well.
Smarter Solutions offers a variety of consulting services and software that transitions enterprises to their next level. Smarter Solutions can help organizations implement an effective Operational Excellence, Lean Six Sigma deployment, Business Management System (BPM). Our Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software can transition organizations from fire-fighting to fire prevention so issues don’t reoccur.
A Big Picture Assessment for Management Consulting and Training Firms: Austin Texas and Elsewhere throughout the World
In the selection process for management consulting and training, organizations benefit when they first step back to the big picture and focus on putting the puzzle pieces together in their organization:
Organizations benefit when they also consider that executive business management leadership is not unlike navigating a golf ball down a fairway. In addition to improving processes, there are many hazards that need to be avoided in this navigation:
An Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) business management system puts together the organizational puzzle pieces and provides direction for navigating an organization’s “fairway” so that the number of strokes for an overall golf course is minimized; i.e., provide most benefits to the organization’s enterprise and customers with the least cost.
IEE addresses the traditional business scorecard and improvement issues that are described in the following one-minute video:
Enhanced Process Improvement Lean Six Sigma for Management Consulting and Training in Austin Texas and Elsewhere
Organizations benefit most when they obtain assistance from consultants and training that provides:
- Not only the expedient improvement of processes, but also a means to statistically quantify performance measurement improvements for these efforts from a process point of view.
- A system where process responses can be tracked and controlled over time.
- A business process management (BPM) system methodology that structurally aligns predictive analytic scorecards with the processes that created them.
- Process improvement direction that give focus to those areas of the business for enhancement that benefit the big picture the most.
- Predictive scorecards that are automatically updated through Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software.
- Books and other documentation that provides the how-to’s of an enhanced business management and process improvement system.
Organizations have much to gain from Smarter Solutions’ workshop offerings in:
- Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt Training
- Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Management System Training
Documentation for Management Consulting and Training Austin Texas and Worldwide
Organizations benefit most from their consulting and training assistance when they are “taught to fish”, as opposed to “given fish”.
Smarter Solutions’ training (on-site, the University of Texas in Austin, Texas, or elsewhere) utilizes and references our set of five books. Students from our Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Black Belt, and Green Belt training receive a copy of our 5-book set; i.e., trainees receive much more than a deck of slides.
Software for Business Process Management (BPM) System Creation and Management Consulting
Smarter Solution’s consulting for business process management (BPM) and process improvement also references the above books, which customers can utilize to see the implementation how-to’s for future reference.
From our assistance, organizations benefit when they created a BPM system that links 30,000-foot-level predictive metrics with the processes that created them. This objective (and more) is achieved using Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software.
Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and other aspects when evaluating management consulting firms Austin Texas and elsewhere