Organizations benefit when they implement a next generation business process management system. An Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) System offers a 9-step methodology which provides a roadmap for both initial Business Process Management (BPM) installations and enhancements to current deployments.
Needs for a Next Generation Business Process Management System and Integrated Enterprise Excellence
A Business Process Management System has two primary focus areas: process management and the IT automation of existing workflows. Most of the marketing on the Internet and elsewhere is for IT solutions that can make it easy to convert human workflows into a more software-managed workflow, but it is the business system that supports the automation efforts that is probably more important.
- Without a business system behind the automation, how will you know if you are applying the automation in a method that best supports the business strategic needs?
- Strategic BPM workflow automation flows from the Business Process Management System!
- Automation without a BPM system wastes resources!
Business Process Management System Objectives
A business process management system should give focus to:
- Efficiently providing value to your customers
- Reducing variation in process execution
- Reducing errors in your processes
- Increasing the value of your workforce
- Providing information to better manage the day-to-day business
- Providing information for the workforce to improve its performance
- Providing a structure to allow workflow automation
If you automate a poor process you will end up with a poor process that is more consistently poor.”
An Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) approach for implementing a business process management system provides an integrated approach for systematically addressing all these objectives and more! Details about implementing this system is described in a two-book, novel-written series Management 2.0: Discovery of Integrated Enterprise Excellence & Leadership System 2.0: Implementing Integrated Enterprise Excellence. These books are available from Amazon and other book retailers in paperback, e-book, and audio book formats.
Business Process Management System Components
Many organizations and publications speak of “The BPM process” but there are actually two management processes that are considered as part of the IEE business process management system. The software vendors push only the improvement part, where you drive to automate workflows. These suppliers under represent the sustaining management activities that are used to make the day-to-day decisions that exist before and after a workflow is defined.
Business Process Management should be integrated with Enterprise Process Management. With the 9-step IEE business process management system, process analysis is performed and followed with management actions or a modeling effort to drive improvement.
Business Process Management System Improved and Sustained Performance
Two aspects of a BPM system are performance improvement and sustainability.
Attributes of BPM improvement efforts are:
- Identify key business processes needing improvement
- Model the process
- Optimize/Improve the process
- Implement new process
- Institute new management practices
Attributes of BPM sustaining performance are:
- Evaluate performance output and customer voice
- If acceptable: Maintain current system and management practices
If unacceptable: Initiate business process improvement
The IEE business process management system:
- Emphasizes the day-to-day management of processes because no automation will succeed without a management system to monitor and adjust it.
- Provides a business alignment between the enterprise business strategies to the ground-level process execution needs.
A high level view of the IEE business process management system is provided in the following webinar.
IEE Business Process Management (BPM) Webinar Sponsored By: ASQ Quality Management Division
This webinar helps practitioners and managers go beyond organizational issues that commonly occur with tried-but-not-so-true techniques like strategic planning, the balanced scorecard, red-yellow-green scorecards, reports, hoshin kanri, and Lean Six Sigma programs.
View this session to learn, among other things, a 9-step system to create and report 30,000-foot-level operational and satellite-level financial performance metrics, which separate high-level common-cause variation from special-cause events. 30,000-foot-level performance statements can be predictive, where if a common-cause prediction statement is undesirable, this metric improvement need ″pulls″ for the creation of a process improvement effort.
Software to Implement the IEE Business Process Management System
Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software provides a behind-the-firewall means for implementing the IEE system, as illustrated in chapter 6 of Leadership System 2.0.
A free EPRS-metrics software app provides a means to create individual process-output response tracking charts that can provide a predictive statement, where if a predictive response is undesirable, process improvement is needed. Both Management 2.0 and Leadership System 2.0 illustrate many applications of this IEE 30,000-foot-level reporting methodology and its benefits.
Contact Us through an e-mail or telephone call to set up a time for a discussion on how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence Business Process Management system. Or, a Zoom meeting can be schedule directly:
E-mail ([email protected]) or call us (+1.512.918.0280), if you encounter difficulties setting up a Zoom session directly or want to schedule another time that is not available in the Zoom-meeting calendar.