Enhanced Operational Excellence Software: Performance Metrics Integrated with their Processes

The operational excellence software Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) provides a structured framework that integrates predictive performance reporting with the processes that created them.

EPRS software provides the means for implementing an enhanced Operational Excellence (OE) system. This OE business management system  enhancement is called Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE). IEE can provide automatically updated predictive metrics reports with an integration to the processes that created them.

Operational Excellence software provides how-to deploy textbook implementation instructions so that metrics and process changes are automatically updated. The roadmap and tools infrastructure for a successful deployment are provided in the books.  Using an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) approach for implementing Operational Excellence with enhanced tools from Lean Six Sigma, organizations can achieve long-lasting benefits.

Operational Excellence Software: Implementation Book Plan Description

To address a past Wikipedia′s description of Operational Excellence; i.e., ″tools toward the sustainable improvement of key performance metrics″, organizations need:

  • Performance metrics that are reported from a process point of view. If this is not done, how can it be determined if process improvement efforts truly positively impacted the performance-metric report-out? Traditional scorecards in a red-yellow-green, table of numbers, bar charts, and pie charts do not view performance metrics from a process point of view. IEE 30,000-foot-level report-outs give direction to address these needs, along with a predictive statement, where if the futuristic statement is not desirable, this need pulls for a process improvement project.
  • A means to integrate scorecards with the processes that created them. This is accomplished through the IEE value chain, which first describes what an organization does. Primary functions can be connected by arrows, where stand-alone functions are not, as shown in the following example IEE hospital value chain.

Operational Excellence Implementation Book Plan Software clickable value chain

  • The value chain can then through ″clicks″ integrate functional metrics with the processes that created them.

Operational Excellence Implementation Book Plan Software clickable IEE Value Chain Drill Down

Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software is available, which can interface with ERP systems, spreadsheets, etc., to obtain data for timely performance scorecard updates for all who have authorization; e.g., eliminating the waste in time to create special executive and other reports that  record dated numbers and are often not actionable.

Operational Excellence Software Books (No Charge for: IEE Vol III Data sets and Minitab 30,000-foot-level Reporting Add-in)

Discount code fb2016 can be used to receive an additional reduction in the purchasing price for books from Smarter Solutions’ website.

Operational Excellence Implementation Book Plan Software Integrated Enterprise Excellence Book Series

There is no charge for the Lean Six Sigma data sets and Minitab add-in.

Contact [email protected] or 1.512.918.0280 for volume discounts and international orders.

Potential Next Steps and Keeping the end in Mind

Steven Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, states as habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind.   The IEE system is very comprehensive and might initially appear overwhelming; however, this methodology could be considered a potential future state, where small steps can be taken to ″test the water″.

There are different next steps to consider, while keeping the over IEE system as a potential end state.  Potential next steps are:

Both individuals and organizations can use the described books and aids in their classroom training and/or ″sharpening the saw″ efforts.

Another alternative is to include the assistance of Smarter Solutions, Inc. within training, coaching, and/or deployment efforts through:



Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System implementation and/or operational excellence software.