Business Process Improvement Steps: Initiating an Enhanced Deployment

For success, business process improvement steps need to initiate with the big picture to determine what needs to be undertaken in a deployment so the enterprise as a whole benefits.

The beginning stages of an improvement initiative can be the most challenging. It is essential to the overall success of a deployment that an optimal infrastructure and improvement plan is created, which works best for the company and its overall objectives. Business process improvement steps need to be more than just how to execute an improvement project!!


Business Process Improvement Deployment Questions to Address


1. Does our organization have issues with putting together the pieces of the puzzle? If so, a system is needed that puts the pieces together:


business process improvement steps need to put the pieces together



2.  Have past organizational process improvement efforts been in silos and do not benefit the big picture? If so, a system is needed that breaks down organization process improvement and functional silos:


business process improvement steps -- need to address the silos


3. Does our organization have frequent firefighting? If so, a system is needed that encourages fire prevention and discourages firefighting:


business process improvement steps that discourage firefighting


4. Does our organization have to address commoditization, global competition, regulation and other business challenges?  If so, a system is needed that addresses these business needs in a structured approach that is not unlike a golfer navigating a fairway attempting to complete a hole in the fewest strokes while avoiding the hazards:


business process improvement steps -- navigating organizational hazards



6. Does your organization have scorecards that are red-yellow-green or just a table of numbers?  This form of reporting and goal setting can lead to unhealthy, if not destructive behaviors.

If your organization has these scorecarding issues, a system is needed for key performance metrics (KPIs) and other performance reporting that “looks out the windshield.”  This view when navigating an automobile is in contrast to driving by only looking at the car’s rear view mirror.

When one “looks out the windshield” of a process and the anticipation is not desirable, business process improvement steps need to be undertaken to improve the situation.  If this is an issue in your organization, a system is needed that can provide a futuristic statement:


business process improvement steps to address futuristic undesirable performance anticipation


5. Does your organization have issues with any of the items listed on page 2 of the “Positive Metrics Poor Business Performance: How Does This Happen? article referenced in the next section:


business process improvement steps -- questions to address


The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Management System provides a framework for organizations to address all the above common-place business needs (at one time).

Solution to Business Process Improvement Deployment Questions

The IEE system addresses the business scorecard and improvement issues that often occur in organizations, as described in a 1-minute video:



business process improvement steps video


A high-level overview of the IEE system is provided in a PDF document:


positive metrics poor business performance



Details for Implementing the Business Process Improvement Steps of the IEE System

The steps for improving a IEE predictive 30,000-foot-level predictive response that is important to the business as a whole is a drill down of step 7 in the IEE 9-step business management system:


business process improvement steps for improvement project selection


The Integrated Enterprise Excellence 5-book series provides all the  details of implementing the IEE enhanced business management system.


business process improvement steps books


  • IEE Volume II provides the details for implementation of the 9-step IEE system
  • IEE Volume III and the Lean Six Sigma Project Execution Guide provide the details for the “Execution of Projects”; i.e., step 7 of the IEE 9-step system

Step 2 of the IEE 9-step system describes an IEE value chain.   An IEE value chain describes what an organization does and associated performance metrics,  An IEE value chain structurally integrates organizational processes with their 30,000-foot-level predictive response metrics.

Enterprise Performance Reporting System (EPRS) software is available that provides (among other things) an organizational value chain where functional 30,000-foot-level metrics can be automatically updated:



business process improvement steps and automatically generated predictive performance metrics


Details for Implementing the Business Process Improvement Steps of the IEE System

Training, consulting, and software are available to implement the enhance IEE Business Management System in virtually every type of organization, independent of industry.


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from an Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Business Process Management System and its enhanced business process improvement steps.