Design for Six Sigma Training Online

This Design for Six Sigma training online describes the usage and integration of DFSS tools.  Organizations benefit when they integrate their Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) implementation in an overall business management system, which includes scorecards and the improvement of processes.

Design for Six Sigma Training Online as Part of the Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) System

Design-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) is the process improvement roadmap in lean Six Sigma. In Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE),  Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) flow is the top portion of the overall IEE Business Management System roadmap, which is titled Design for IEE:

design for six sigma training online IEE roadmap

The IEE system is described in a five book set:

design for six sigma training online IEE books

Contact Us to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might be able to benefit from the  structured integration of DFSS methodologies into your business management system.

Design for Six Sigma Training Online: Expectations for the Course

The Smarter Solutions online DFSS course uses the DCDOV (design-concept-define-optimize-verify). This course does require the students to have a solid Lean Six Sigma Green Belt proficiency to understand the entire topic because some standard Lean Six Sigma topics are assumed to be known.

Design for Six Sigma is not really a methodology as you would identify the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC system. DFSS is more of a set of tools and activities that can be added to the basic DMAIC body-of-knowledge that allow an existing Lean Six Sigma Black or Green belt to support design and development projects. The real advantage of the DFSS toolset is that the project is not required to have a lot of historical performance data to use as a foundation of the new process or product.

Design for Six Sigma Training Online: DMADV – IDOV – DCDOV?

Which of these models is best to be used in my work? Smarter Solutions staff has been trained and worked with all of the common Design for Six Sigma frameworks and we all agree that the framework is not as important as is the learning the toolset. As an active Lean Six Sigma practitioner, you may never even work a traditional DFSS project, but you will routinely use many of the DFSS tools to support DMAIC projects when you find that an evolutionary improvement is not going to meet the business goals and you just need to provide a revolutionary improvement through a redesign of your process or service.

Do not worry about the DFSS framework; learn the DFSS toolset and start becoming a more flexible improvement leader.

Design for Six Sigma Training Online: DFSS for Process and Service Development (40 hrs)

This version of the DFSS focuses on the tool set required to develop processes. Process and Service design work do not have a clear customer view since these efforts usually have a mix of internal and external customers to consider, while they also do not require as much effort to optimize the process or service after the initial verification. This version of DFSS does not stress the design of experiment advanced methods as you could find in a product design effort.

It is recommended that the students for this version have a solid understanding of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt body-of-knowledge to be successful in this course.

DFSS for Product Design (50 hrs)

In this version of the course, the training materials cover the same topics as process and service, but there is more depth and detail in the areas of design optimization and Design of Experiments. This additional emphasis is provided because a product designer will typically spend a majority of the design time optimizing the design to enhance reliability, durability, manufacturing methods, customer acceptance, and many more issues that will require a deeper understanding of the basic automation tools. The additional optimization materials increase the cost for this version and require the student to have a good basic knowledge of the Design of Experiments (DOE) tools.

It is recommended that the students for this version have a solid understanding of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt body-of-knowledge to be successful in this course.

Why this Design for Six Sigma Training Online is not a boring online course

This course is far removed from a voice-over PowerPoint presentation or a video lesson that you may have experienced in the past. This course has been created in an interactive HTML format that includes:

  • Small bite size lesson topics
  • Lessons that can be read or heard
  • Interactive activities that provide immediate feedback on performance or throughout the course
  • The course uses a common video game, “Roller Coaster Tycoon2” as a simulator that allows the student to experience the toolset in use (provided with the course)
  • Design-Expert software for DOE is provided for use in the Product version of the course.
  • Exercises and activities that are included in the course should take as much or more time than you are taking the lessons. A truly interactive experience!

What’s Included:

Online e-Learning: The e-learning portion is comprised of approximately 40 hours (50 hours for the product course) of self-paced modules that overview the DFSS toolset. The material can be accessed for 270 days, at the student’s availability.

Materials included in both courses

  • “Integrated Enterprise Excellence Volume 3: Improvement Project Execution”. A detailed text book covering the entire DMAIC process by Forrest W. Breyfogle (a $125 value)
  • Integrated Enterprise Excellence Project Execution Guide. A workbook type resource for performing DMAIC projects by Forrest W. Breyfogle. (a $60 value)
  • Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. (a $20 value)

Course Structure

This course consists of six sessions, each of which is a collection of related lessons.

Individual lessons also include simulations, toolsets and interactive practice exercises. Each session ends with an interactive quiz to test your knowledge.

This Design for Six Sigma Training Online course content is:


lean six sigma black belt training online course content


Course registration is:


lean six sigma black belt training online registration


Responses to frequently asked question are:


lean six sigma black belt training online FAQ


Frequent questions about on-line training’s effectiveness and the desire for a demonstration are addressed in the webinar:


lean six sigma black belt training online webinar


Basic Course Investment:

DFSS Process/Service course: $1850

DFSS Product design course: $2450

Other Online and Blended Online Course Options

Online Yellow Belt

Blended Online Green Belt

Blended Online Black Belt


Contact Us to set up a time to discuss with Forrest Breyfogle how your organization might gain much from Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) Design for Six Sigma Training Online.